Course Syllabus

CT2Learn Course Resources and 8-Week Lesson Plan

Domestic Terrorism


Description: The goal Domestic Terrorism is to develop a foundation and understanding of how Domestic Terrorism has evolved in the United States of America. The class will introduce the history of significant events, current events, actors and organizations, and how the future of domestic security issues affects the internal and external politics of the United States of America. We will also examine the problems that have been faced, created, and how other actors react to the United States’ approach to protect itself and combat Domestic Terrorism.

How to use this document: The following course resource list summarizes all of the content available to build the 8-week lesson plan.  Instructors are free to use these resources according to their own discretion or can utilize the included lesson plan.  Note that as long as you are logged in to CT2Learn with your instructor access, all of these links will take you to the desired material. 


Course Resources




eLearning Lessons


Scholarly Articles









I.      DHS

·     Establishment

II.    Intelligence Community

·   National Security Act of 1947

III.   US terrorists attacks

·     Boston Marathon     Bombings


Module 1 Overview

In our first module of coursework together, we will explore the establishment of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS). We will also begin to look at significant events, actors and organizations. This week we will read about the National Security Act of 1947. Lastly, we will start to look at various U.S. terrorist attacks, starting with the Boston Marathon Bombings and the Weather Underground.


Module 1 Competencies

·       Identify several domestic terror attacks and the motivations of the terrorists

·       Describe the history of significant events, current events, and significant actors and organizations

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Module 1 Checklist

·       Read

o   Homeland Security in the USA

§  Module 1 – Establishment of the Department of Homeland Security

o   Intelligence Community Legal Reference Book

§  National Security Act of 1947

o   Boston Marathon Bombings

§  After Action Report for the Response to the 2013 Boston Marathon Bombings

§  Section I: Incident Timeline

§  Section II: Overview of Incidents

§  Unclassified Summary of Information Handling and Sharing Prior to the April 15, 2013 Boston Marathon Bombings

o   John Brown: America’s First Terrorist?


·       Interact

o   Establishment of the Department of Homeland Security

·       Watch

o   Newly-released video of Boston Marathon bombing

o   Weather Underground Announces Fall Offensive

o   Weather Underground Bombs the Capitol, Pentagon, and State Department

·       Critical Thinking Essay: Writing Assignment (see rubric for guidelines)


I.       DHS

·     National Strategy

II.     Intelligence Community

·   Intelligence Reform and Terrorism Prevention Act of 2004

III.   US terrorist attacks

·     The Beltway Snipers


Module 2 Overview

In module two we will focus on the DHS National Strategy. We will continue to look at significant events, actors and organizations, in this module the Reform and Terrorism Prevention Act of 2004. Additionally in module two we will also explore the U.S. terrorist attacks of the Beltway Snipers and the Olympic Bombing of 1996.


Module 2 Competencies

·       Identify several domestic terror attacks and the motivations of the terrorists

·       Describe the history of significant events, current events, and significant actors and organizations

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Module 2 Checklist

·       Read

o   Homeland Security in the USA

§  Module 2 – The National Strategy for Homeland Security Student Brief

o   Intelligence Community Legal Reference Book

§  Intelligence Reform and Terrorism Prevention Act of 2004

o   The Beltway Snipers

§  A Byte Out of History: The Beltway Snipers, Part I

§  A Byte Out of History: The Beltway Snipers, Part II

·       Interact

o   The National Strategy for Homeland Security Student Brief

·       Watch

o   Olympic Bombing 1996: Richard Jewell, the Wrong Man l Retro Report l The New Your Times

·       Discussion

·       Critical Thinking Essay: Writing Assignment (see rubric for guidelines)


I.      DHS

·     The National Infrastructure Protection Plan

II.    Intelligence Community

·     Central Intelligence Agency Act of 1949

·     National Security Agency Act of 1959

III.   US terrorists attacks

·     The Unabomber


Module 3 Overview

In module three we will focus on the National Infrastructure Protection Plan. Additionally, we will continue with our exploration of the history of significant events, actors and organizations by looking at the Central Intelligence Agency of 1949 and the National Security Agency Act of 1959. Lastly, we will look at the domestic terror attacks of the Unabomber.


Module 3 Competencies

·       Identify several domestic terror attacks and the motivations of the terrorists

·       Describe the history of significant events, current events, and significant actors and organizations

·       Analyze the manner in which the United States addresses domestic terrorism with the concurrent efforts with the international community as it combats international terrorism

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Module 3 Checklist

·       Read

o   Homeland Security in the USA

§  Module 6 – The National Infrastructure Protection Plan Student Brief

o   Intelligence Community Legal Reference Book

§  Central Intelligence Agency Act of 1949

§  National Security Agency Act of 1959

o   The Unabomber

§  Disabling the Unabomber’s final bomb

·       Interact

o   The National Infrastructure Protection Plan Student Brief

·       Watch

o   FBI 100 – The Unabomber

o   The Unabomber Case

Critical Thinking Essay: Writing Assignment (see rubric for guidelines)


I.      Intelligence Community

·          Homeland Security Act of 2002

II.    NCTC Report on Terrorism

III.   US terrorists attacks

·          Eric Rudolph

Module 4 Overview

In module 4 we will continue to explore the history of significant events, actors and organizations by looking at the Homeland Security Act of 2002. Additionally we will will learn about the terrorist attacks of Eric Rudolph. Lastly we will look at the National Couterterrorism Center Report on Terrorism, which will help us identify the difference between international and domestice terrorism.

Module 4 Competencies

·       Identify several domestic terror attacks and the motivations of the terrorists

·       Describe the history of significant events, current events, and significant actors and organizations

·       Identify the difference between international and domestic terrorism and how these affect American society differently

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Module 4 Checklist

·       Read

o   Intelligence Community Legal Reference Book

§  Homeland Security Act of 2002

o   The National Counterterrorism Center Report on Terrorism

o   Eric Rudolph

§  The Pursuit and Capture of Eric Rudolph

§  Full Text of Eric Rudolph’s Confession

·       Watch

o   Eric Rudolph’s Memoir Free Online

o   Shopping Malls and Social Media, A New Age for Terrorist Threats

·       Discussion

·       Midterm


I.      Intelligence Community

·        USA Patriot Act of 2001

·        USA Patriot Improvement and Reauthorization Act of 2005

II.    US terrorists attacks

·       Oklahoma City Bombing

III.   NGO’s and Terrorist Financing



Module 5 Overview

In module five we will continue with the history of significant events, actors and organizations by looking at the USA Patriot Act of 2001 and the USA Patriot Improvement and Reauthorization Act of 2005. Additionally, we will look at the domestic terrorist attack of the Oklahoma City Bombing. Lastly, we will explore the Threat of Terrorsit Financing within the United States in association with Non-Governmental Organizations and other political groups.

Module 5 Competencies

·       Identify several domestic terror attacks and the motivations of the terrorists

·       Describe the history of significant events, current events, and significant actors and organizations

·       Discuss the associations Non-Governmental Organizations and other political groups may have with domestic terrorists

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Module 5 Checklist

·       Read

o   Intelligence Community Legal Reference Book

§  USA Patriot Act of 2001

§  USA Patriot Improvement and Reauthorization Act of 2005

o   Oklahoma City Bombing

§  Oklahoma City 1995 Bombing

§  The execution of Timothy McVeigh: must see TV?

o   The Threat of Terrorist Financing

·       Watch

o   McVeigh’s Chilling Words Detailed

o   Timothy McVeigh: Biography Documentary

o   New Video Released, '95 Oklahoma City Bombing Case

o   Tomothy McVeigh Executed

·       Critical Thinking Essay: Writing Assignment (see rubric for guidelines)


I.    Intelligence Community

·     Detainee Treatment Act of 2005

·     Implementing Recommendations of the 9/11 Commission Act of 2007

·     War Crimes Act of 1996

II.  US terrorists attacks

·     2001 Anthrax Attacks

III.   Future Domestic Terror Issues

Module 6 Overview

In module six we will continue with the history of significant events, actors and organizations by looking at the Detainee Treatment Act of 2005, Implementing Recommendations of the 9/11 Commision Act of 2007, and the War Crimes Act of 1996. We will also look at the domestic terrorism attacks of the 2001 Anthrax Attacks. Lastly, we will explore future domestic terror issues by taking a look at what has been in the news with the NSA and Biological Warfare.


Module 6 Competencies

·       Identify several domestic terror attacks and the motivations of the terrorists

·       Describe the history of significant events, current events, and significant actors and organizations

·       Explain how the future of domestic terror issues will impact the internal and external politics of the United States of America

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Module 6 Checklist

·       Read

o   Intelligence Community Legal Reference Book

§  Detainee Treatment Act of 2005

§  Implementing Recommendations of the 9/11 Commission Act of 2007

§  War Crimes Act of 1996

o   2001 Anthrax Attacks

§  Review of Fall 2001 Anthrax Bioattacks

§  Bioterrorism – Public Health Response to Anthrax Incidents of 2001

·       Watch

o   Dr. Thomas Preston: ‘Biological Warfare: The New Face of Terrorism’

o   The Anthrax Files

·       Interact

o   Homeland Security: The NSA in the News

·       Discussion

·       Critical Thinking Essay: Writing Assignment (see rubric for guidelines)


I.    Intelligence Community

·        Freedom Information Act

·        Privacy Act

II.  US terrorists attacks

·        Fort Hood Terror Attack

III.  NGO’s and other Political Groups


Module 7 Overview

In module seven we will continue with the history of significant events, actors and organizations by looking at the Freedom of Information Act and the Privacy Act. We will also look at the domestic terrorism attack of the Fort Hood Attack. Lastly, we will explore the associations of Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) and political groups and how these domestic violent extremists pose increased threat to government officials and law enforcement.


Module 7 Competencies

·       Identify several domestic terror attacks and the motivations of the terrorists

·       Describe the history of significant events, current events, and significant actors and organizations

·       Discuss the associations Non-Governmental Organizations and other political groups may have with domestic terrorists

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Module 7 Checklist

·       Read

o   Intelligence Community Legal Reference Book

§  Freedom of Information Act

§  Privacy Act

o   Fort Hood Terror Attack

§  A Ticking Time Bomb – Counterterrorism Lessons for the U.S. Government’s Failure to Prevent the Fort Hood Attack

§  Read Part I and II

§  FBI, Counterterrorism Intelligence, and the Events at Fort Hood

§  Read Part I – Factual Findings

o   Domestic Violent Extremists Pose Increased Threat to Government Officials and Law Enforcement

·       Watch

o   He Said Allahu Akbar – The Attack on Fort Hood

o   A.L.F. Behind the Mask: The Story of the People WHo Risk Everything to Save Animals

o   Keith Mann interview [HARDtalk]

o   Anonymous Stratfor attack: credit cards hacked: Christmas Defacement 2011: video

o   Anonymous - Message to Obama

o   Operation Black Out

·       Critical Thinking Essay: Writing Assignment (see rubric for guidelines)




Course Summary:

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